1.Sumless conflict again and again inside my body.
2.My socks have been darned again and again.
3.Again and again the test met with no success.
4.Again and again he rose, took a big chestful of air, and went down.
5.He failed again and again simply because he had maintained his defeatist attitude.
6.He had done most of the writing and rewriting himself, reworking key passages again and again.
大部分的写与修都是他自己完成的, 并再修了主要的段落。
7.I went through the same routine with my Dobe when I fed kibble and again when I fed Barf.
8.Recently a few months, they already announced the advanced science and technology of a series of contractible chip dimension, the again and again challenges the physical law of this microcosmos.